About Us

DeepSecurity's story began with our work in ad fraud detection. We discovered that bad actors were utilizing residential proxies to engage in ad fraud, and we were astonished by the number of corporate networks involved in those IPs. Recognizing that traditional cybersecurity products were insufficient in protecting these networks, we developed solutions to address this gap.

Our team comprises IT experts, network engineers, and cybersecurity professionals. The internet has shaped our lives and careers, and we firmly believe that protecting its integrity and safety is crucial for its continued growth.

We enjoy working with companies, government agencies, and educational institutions of all sizes. No network is too large or small to receive the best protection

We are always seeking individuals who are passionate about cybersecurity and dedicated to protecting the internet. If you’re interested, please send your resume and cover letter to careers@deepsecurity.com.


Have A Network Worth Protecting?


5900 Balcones Drive Suite 100, Austin, TX 78731

