Frequently Asked Questions

What is a residential proxy?

Residential proxies are pools of residential IP addresses that are rented out to buyers who pay based on bandwidth usage. These IP pools are created using infected devices, allowing third parties to tunnel through the connection and utilize these IP addresses however they please!

What are residential proxies used for?

Residential proxies have many legitimate uses, such as web scraping, changing geographic locations, and ad verification. However, they are also commonly employed for nefarious activities, including ad fraud, spam messaging, DDoS attacks, and posting fake reviews

How does an IP become available to residential proxies

An IP becomes available to residential proxies when someone unknowingly installs an app or software on a device connected to your network. This software is often bundled with other items and operates in the background without the user's knowledge.

What Type of Devices Are Commonly Infected?

It is most commonly a computer or mobile device that gets infected, but it is becoming increasingly common for IoT (Internet of Things) devices to be infected as well. These devices include printers, cameras, and even smart fridges

Why is it A Risk For My IP to Be Available in Residential Proxies?

The user of a residential proxy appears to be a legitimate user of your network. If they engage in any nefarious activity, all the clues will point to your IP address as the source. Your IP could be associated with activities such as hacking, ad fraud, and spam messaging. It could also serve as a point of entry into your network for hackers.

We already use antivirus and firewall protection, Do I need DeepSecurity?

Traditional antivirus and firewall protection don't detect residential proxies because of the way the proxy software works. The proxy software establishes a secure connection to the proxy network, making it appear as a normal device connecting to the Internet. Once the secure connection is established, subscribers of the proxy networks can tunnel through the proxy device and gain access to the same network as the device running the proxy software

What type of companies do you work with?

We enjoy working with companies, government agencies, and educational institutions of all sizes. No network is too large or small to receive the best protection. 

What is the cost for DeepSecurity protection?

DeepSecurity offers affordable packages to identify any infected devices in your network, assist in removing the software creating the vulnerability, and provide ongoing monitoring. The cost of the engagement varies based on the size and complexity, so please reach out to to obtain a custom quote.


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5900 Balcones Drive Suite 100, Austin, TX 78731